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DATEGAD Fort दातेगड़ किला

April 15, 2022

 Dategad Fort... Its known as Sundergad Fort.

Dategad Fort (Marathi: दातेगड) is a small fort located 75 kilometres (47 mi) South of Satara, in the Maharashtra state of India. This fort can be visited in a day from Satara. The nearest town is Patan. The base village is Tolewadi from where an easy trek of 45 minutes leads to the entrance of the fort.

The Patankars were the Deshmukhs under the Marathas of the whole surrounding district and had charge of Dategad fort.[1] The fort was under the control of Maratha dynasty before the fort was taken into control by Captain Grant in May 1818.

The fort is located on a high tableland with escarpments on all the sides. The scarp is about 30 feet high. There is an entrance gate to enter the table land. One has to climb 20 steps to reach the top of the fort. The fort is spread over an area of 3 acres. There are 10 feet tall idols of Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganapati on the fort. There is a Shivalinga carved in the laterite stone near the well. The well is 100 feet deep cut in the laterite rock. There are two large water tanks on the fort.


Trekking Marunji Hill | Hinjewadi Pune | Amazing adventure | First Trekking Vlog | Incredible Nature

March 20, 2022

 Marunji Hills is lovely short Trekking track, located in Hinjewadi Pune. It is adventurous and very close to nature.

Marunji Hill located at the Hinjewadi phase 2, a hike of around 45 minutes to 1 hour will take you to the top of the mountain. 

Marunji Hill is a good place for trekking.

Breathtaking view can be seen from this place.

You can see whole area from single point i.e. Kasarsai Dam, Infosys Campus,Dattawadi, Nerhe, Marunji Road, Marunji Village, Phase 2 and Phase 3, and most important Xrbia Apartments, Life Republic

If you love photography then go here in rainy season.In the rainy season, the entire mountain becomes lush green, while in the winter the brownish fallen leaves provide some stunning scenes.

The sunrise and sunset view from the top are stunning. One can hike up this mountain regularly to keep himself/herself fit and that can be of great help while going for longer treks. 

There are dozens of routes from where one can ascend or descend the mountain.You can park your vehicle a few meters at the Kaali Mata Mandir which is near to Wipro Circle.  The route starts just adjacent to the Temple.We went through Xrbia Township route. 


Bhramhgiri Trek | ब्रह्मगिरी पर्वत | गोदावरी नदीचे उगमस्थान आणि इतिहासची साक्ष देत उभा असलेला दुर्ग.

March 11, 2022

 Bhramhgiri,  Bhramhgiri Trek, Trimbakgad, Nashik, Fort, Durg Bhandar, Godavari,  त्र्यंबकगड किल्ला

Brahmagiri is a mountain range in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra. It is situated in Nashik District in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple is located near this place. The origin of the sacred Godavari river is near Trimbak. It flows for 1,465 kilometres (910 mi), first eastwards across the Deccan Plateau then turns southeast, entering the West Godavari district and East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, until it splits into two watercourses that widen into a large river delta and flow into the Bay of Bengal.

Brahmagiri (1298 meters) is to the west of trimbakeshwar and this fort offers a commanding view of the Jawhar Mokhada region of Thane district. Trimbakeshwar itself is a place of worship because it is one of the 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva.

From Trimbakeshwar, through regular steps, Ganga dwar is reached and the Gorakshanath cave which is end of Trimbakeshwar. Now again while climbing down, there is a road going towards Brahmagiri towards right. Following this route one reaches the carved steps in the rocks. The steps are very good even in the recent times. They were blown off by Britishers in 1818 but later on, they were rebuilt somewhere before India gained independence. From the base village, Brahmagiri is around 450 to 500 meters elevated

From base village, it takes 45 minutes to see Ganga dwar, the Gorakshanath caves and 108 Swayambhu Mahadev caves and in the halfway while descending, the road towards Brahmagiri takes you till the top in around 45 minutes and almost 2 hours to see the fort completely. There are 2 temples on this fort the place which is believed to be the origin point of Godavari river. From here, the river flows till Ganga dwar and then towards Kushavart teerth in Trimbakeshwar village.

One can reach this place by an ascent of about 750 steps made on concrete. There is a shrine dedicated to Goddess Ganga. The river appears here as coming out from the mouth of Nandi. Kolambika Devi temple and a group of 108 shivalings are seen nearby.


Ramshej Fort Nashik | रामशेज किल्ला

February 26, 2022

 Ramsej or Ramshej Fort (Ramshej - Rama's bed)(Marathi: रामशेज किल्ला) is a small fort located 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) north-west of Nashik, in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is believed that Lord Rama stayed in the fort for a short time when he travelled to Sri Lanka. The fort can be visited during the day, and is located on the busy Nashik-Vapi route.

किल्ल्याचा इतिहास

नाशिक-पेठ रस्त्यावर पंचवटीपासून १० किलोमीटर अंतरावर रामशेज किल्ला आहे. रामशेज इतर किल्ल्यांप्रमाणे दऱ्याखोऱ्यांत, जंगलात अथवा खूप उंचीवर नाही. एका सपाट आणि मोकळ्या मैदानावर त्याने आपले बलदंड शरीर झोकून दिले आहे. प्रभू श्रीराम या किल्ल्यावर विश्रांतीला यायचे, म्हणून या डोंगराला रामशेज म्हटले जाते, अशी अख्यायिका आहे. रामशेजचे वैशिष्ट्य असे की, तो कोणत्याही बाजूने सहज चढता येतो अन्‌ तोही अगदी तासाभरात. किल्ल्याजवळच राम मंदिर आहे. तेथे राम, सीता, लक्ष्मण व हनुमानाच्या मूर्ती आहेत. पाण्याचे कुंड आणि एक बोगदाही आहे. सीतागुंफेतून रामशेजला जाण्यासाठी बोगदा असल्याचेही म्हटले जाते. मात्र, सध्या तो बंद आहे.

रामशेज किल्ल्यात प्रवेश करण्यापूर्वी राम मंदिरावरील एक शिलालेख नक्की पहा. रामशेजचा इतिहास अत्यंत रोचक आहे. शिवकाळानंतर महाराष्ट्रावर मोगलांची आक्रमणे वाढू लागली. मराठा साम्राज्य काबीज करण्यासाठी छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या मृत्यूनंतर औरंगजेबाने आखलेल्या पहिल्या मोहिमेत रामशेज या छोट्याशा किल्ल्याचाही समावेश होता. यावरून हा किल्ला मोगलांसाठी किती महत्त्वाचा असेल हे लक्षात येते. औरंगजेबाचा सरदार शहाबुद्दीन खानाने १६८२ मध्ये रामशेज मिळविण्याचे जोरदार प्रयत्न केले, पण तो अपयशी ठरला.रामशेजवर यावेळी अवघ्या सहाशे मावळ्यांनी किल्ला लढवला.

यावेळी शहाबुद्दीन खानाने हल्ल्यासाठी रामशेजच्या उंचीचा लाकडी बुरूज (धमधमा) तयार केला. महाराष्ट्रातील युद्धतंत्रात हा अजब प्रकार पहिल्यांदा पहायला मिळाला. धमधम्यावरून तोफांचा मारा करूनही रामशेज झुकेना. रामशेजवरून होणाऱ्या दगडांच्या वर्षावामुळे शहाबुद्दीनखानाचे मोगल अधिकारी मारले जात होते. दुसरीकडे छत्रपती संभाजी राजांनी रामशेजच्या मदतीसाठी सैन्य पाठवून किल्ल्याभोवतीचा वेढा तोडण्याचे तंत्र अवलंबले होते. औरंगजेबाच्या अनेक सरदारांनी राजशेज मिळविण्यासाठी धडपड केली. पण १६८४ पर्यंत रामशेज हलला नाही. अखेर रामशेजचा वेढा सुटला. संभाजी महाराजांनी रामशेजच्या किल्लेदाराला चिलखत पोषाख, रत्नजडित कडे आणि नगद देऊन कौतुक केले. त्यानंतर रामशेजवर आलेला नवा किल्लेदार फितुर झाला अन् १६८७ मध्ये रामशेज औरंगजेबाच्या ताब्यात गेला. राजशेज किल्ला सहा वर्षे झुंजत होता. त्यामुळे हा किल्ला अनुभवताना हा इतिहास मनात साठवणे हा एक थरार ठरतो.

Ramsej Fort was used in the fight against the Mughal Empire that lasted for six and a half years.[2] The fort's first Killedar (Fort commander) was Suryaji Jadhav, but he was transferred after five and a half years and a new Killedar was soon appointed, as per the rotation policy of the Maratha Empire. In 1682 Aurangzeb sent Sahabuddin Khan to conquer the fort. Shahbuddin Khan, with his 40,000 man army and strong artillery, vowed to capture the fort within a few hours, but the 600 Maratha soldiers in the fort held their posts and pushed the forces back for many months with a fierce array of slingshots, lit haystacks, and huge stones - even though there were no cannons in the fort. Mughal artillery managed to break the fort walls in the evening. They assumed that the fort would be captured easily. However, all 600 Marathas on the fort worked for the full night to rebuild the entire broken section of the wall, much to the despair and awe of the Mughals.

The inability of the artillery to capture the fort made Aurangzeb very frustrated and uneasy. He raised a wooden platform to storm the fort. Marathas were amazing planners, and Shivaji and his son Sambhaji had a policy of keeping a healthy supply of ammunition in the fort, even though it had no cannons or guns. Ramsej was no exception and, even though it did not have cannons, the fort had sufficient ammunition. The Fort Commander came up with the idea to use amply-available animal skin and wood to make wooden cannons. Coupled with the ammunition already available in the fort, these wooden cannons inflicted heavy damage to the Mughal army. The retaliation from the Marathas was so strong that Aurangzeb left the command to Bahadurkhar Khan Kokaltash and fled to Junnar.

Bahadurkhan also tried to capture the fort by fooling Marathas into believing that the Mughals were preparing for a full-fledged frontal assault, while his real plan was to send 200 of his best troops from the rear side of the fort by climbing the steep cliff. The Maratha commander was aware of the fact and allowed these 200 soldiers to climb the rope. While they were climbing up the rope, he cut the rope and as a result 200 of the best Mughal soldiers fell and died in the valley. Bahadurkhan was distraught and found that Marathas were receiving secret supplies from the nearby forts. He carefully blocked all the paths to nearby Maratha forts. It created a dire shortage of food in the fort. Seeing the situation, Maratha King Sambhaji acted quickly by sending his sardars - Rupaji Bhosle and Manaji - with an 8,000 extra soldiers and more supplies.

They tried to break through the Mughal line but were unable to supply the fort. Sambhaji worried greatly that his fiercely loyal and brave warriors were fighting without food. However, the weather supported the Marathas and due to severe weather conditions, Bahadurkhan relaxed his encirclement for one day. This enabled Rupaji and Manaji to supply the fort with supplies enough for six more months. Bahadurkhan then tried to win the fort with the help of a 'mantrik' believing that the Marathas had ghosts under their control.

The Marathas again fooled him as the Mantrik was himself as a Maratha soldier in disguise who led the Mughal army to a deadly ambush of the Marathas. Bahadurkhan and Mughals fled the deadly ambush and several Mughals were killed in this surprise attack. Bahadurkhan was unable to siege the fort. Finally, he burnt the wooden platform and left the battle. Aurangzeb sent Kasim Khan Kirmani to lead the battle and the Mughals conquered Ramshej Fort. Ramsej was one of the forts which surrendered to the British Army in 1818 after the fall of Trymbakgad fort. Captain Briggs reported that there were eight guns, 9 small cannons called jamburasand 21 jingals on the fort.

Photos : Ramshej Fort

Ghoradeshwar Hills | Best hills to visit in Pune | Ghoradeshwar Temple in Pune | Buddhist Caves |

February 26, 2022

 This place in talegaon (Ghoradeshwar temple ) is well known for it's caves and the shiva temple which is located on the hills with a vibrant scenery and peaceful place where you and your family/friends can enjoy the movement here. This Ghoradeshwar temple is 30 Km from Pune and 119 Km from Mumbai. People who willing to start trekking as start from this or dighi hills instead. I'll make video on this later. 

                   Ghoradeshwar Temple/ Ghoradeshwar Hills is very beautiful place to visit. Ghoradeshwar temple is also called ghorawadi caves (shelarwadi caves) and ghorawadi temple . This temple in Pune were carved out of a single rock formation around the 3rd and 4th century CE.

There are nine rooms for meditation adjoining the chaityagriha. 

Photos: Ghoravadeshwar घोरावडेश्वर


मृत्यूला स्पर्श करण्याचा सरस गडावरचा थरारक अनुभव । Sarasgad Fort | Pali cha Killa |

February 23, 2022

Sarasgad (Marathi: सरसगड किल्ला) fort is situated near village Pali in the Raigad district of Maharashtra. Pali lies about 10 kilometres East of Nagothane along the Nagothane-Khopoli road. This fort height from sea level is 490 meters.

Sarasgad Fort is the twin of Sudhagad Fort. It can be identified by its four pinnacles and thus was mainly used as a watch place to check the surrounding region. The construction of the fort is now not in a good condition but the huge rock steps are something to be seen. On the way from the south, there are 111 steps carved in stone. The door from this side is known as 'Dindi darvaja'. There are two routes that lead to the top of this fort from Pali.

गडावर जाण्याच्या वाटा

पाली गावाला लागूनच असलेला सरसगड त्याच्या कातळमाथ्यामुळे अधिकच बेलाग झालेला आहे. समुद्रसपाटीपासून ४४४ मीटर उंचीच्या सरसगडावर जाण्यासाठी पाली गावातून उत्तर आणि दक्षिण अशा दोन बाजूंनी मार्ग आहे. उत्तरेकडील वाट तलई या लहानशा गावातल्या रामआळीतून गडावर जाते. गणपती मंदिराजवळून म्हणजे देऊळवाड्याकडून जाणारी वाट चांगलीच रुळलेली आहे. एका वाटेने चढून दुसऱ्या वाटेने उतरणेही सोयीचे आहे. दक्षिणेच्या बाजूकडील कातळमाथ्याला एक मोठी नाळ आहे. नाळेतून ९६ भक्कम पायऱ्या चढल्यावर मुख्य दरवाजा येतो. मध्यभागी असण्याऱ्या वाटोळ्या सुळक्याभोवती चक्कर मारता येते. या ५० मीटर उंचीच्या बालेकिल्ल्याच्या तळाशी टाकी, तळी, कोठ्या, गुहा, तालीमखाने आहेत. याच गुहांमधे पांडवानीही वस्ती केली होती असे म्हणतात.

Harihar Fort | हरिहर किल्ला | A Dream Trek for Every Traveller and Adventure Lover | Trimbak, Nashik

February 23, 2022


Harihar Fort is located in Nashik district of Maharashtra, India. Harihar Fort is also known as Harishgad or Harshgad. Harihar Fort is situated about 43km, 51km, 48km from Nashik, Kasara and Igatpuri respectively.

Nirgudpada and Harshewadi are the two base village for Harihar Fort. Harihar Fort is a popular place among adventure lover due to its 80-degree rock-cut stairs. Harihar fort provides a great view of Brahmagiri, Brahmaparvat, Anjneri Parvat, Bhaskargad, Fani Hill and Utwad. Harihar Fort was constructed to keep watch on Gonda Ghat Trade route.


SALHER FORT ( साल्हेर किल्ल्याचा इतिहास )

February 22, 2022

 Salher is a place located near Waghamba in Satana tehsil in Nasik district of Maharashtra, India. It is the site of the highest fort in the Sahyadri mountains and the second highest peak at 1,567 metres (5,141 ft) after Kalsubai in Maharashtra and 32nd highest peak in Western Ghats. This was one of the celebrated forts of the Maratha Empire. The money acquired after raiding Surat was brought to this fort first on its way to the Maratha capital forts. 

According to a legend, Lord Parshuram did his Tapascharya at Salher Fort. After winning the earth and giving it as donation, he made land for himself to live in, by pushing the sea back with his arrows, right from this place. The twin fort Salota (4986 feet) is very near to Salher. 

An ancient and historically significant place like this is also famous for its battles during the reign of Shivaji. 

Salher Fort was under Shivaji Maharaj in 1671. The Mughals attacked the fort in 1672. Almost one lakh soldiers fought in this war.[1] Many soldiers died in this battle but finally, Shivaji Maharaj won the battle of Salher. Of all the face-to-face battles between the Mughals and Shivaji Maharaj's troops, the battle of Salher takes first place. Such a big battle was not won before. The bravery and strategy used by the Maratha troops in the battle spread far and wide and increased Shivaji Maharaj's fame further. After winning Salher, the Marathas also captured Mulher and established their reign over the Baglan region. In the 18th century, the Peshwas occupied this fort and later by the British. 

Battle of Salher-The fort of Salher was captured by Shivaji Maharaj in 1671, during his campaign of the Baglan region. This news reached the Mogul emperor in Delhi. He got incensed with this news and said "I have sent lakhs of cavalry but they have come back shamefully, now whom do I send?" The emperor then decided "As long as Shivaji is alive, we are not leaving Delhi". He then called Ikhlaas Khan and Bahlol Khan and sent them with a cavalry of 20,000 horses to attack Salher. Ikhlaas Khan then laid siege of Salher Fort. When this news reached the Maharaj, he sent message to his Commander in Chief Prataprao through his secret agents "Go to Salher with your troops and drive off Bahlol Khan". He also sent a parallel letter to Moropant Peshwa to go from Varghati Konkan along with his troops and meet Prataprao near Salher. As planned, both Prataprao and Moropant rode to Salher from both sides and a fierce battle ensued. 

Writings of Sabhasad Bakhar describes it as follows: "There was a fierce battle throughout the day and night, Mughals, Pathans, and Cannons, Elephants, Horses and Camel troops fought alongside each other. The battle was so fierce that the dust which was raised by the troops rose up in an area of 3 km and the troops could not recognize who was fighting on which side. The Elephant troops arrived and both sides saw 10,000 troops perish and blood flow like rivers". The Marathas defeated Ikhlaas Khan and Bahlol Khan in this bloody battle, which saw tremendous destruction all over. There were 1,20,000 troops of Raja Shivaji and it returned 10,000 less, lost in battle. 

Shivaji's troops captured 6,000 horses, 6,000 camels, 150 elephants, heavy gold ornaments, gold coins and expensive cloth from the enemy troops. The maratha soldiers showed extreme courage during this battle. Moropant Peshwa and Prataprao Sarnaubat exchanged pleasantries. Suryarao Kakde became a martyr during this battle. He fell after being hit by a cannonball. He was no mere soldier. A soldier who was as brave as "Karna of the Mahabharata" lay dead on the battlefield. 

Of all the face to face battles between the Mughals and Shivaji's troops, the battle of Salher takes first place. Such a big battle was not won before. The bravery and strategy used by the Maratha troops in the battle spread far and wide and increased Shivaji's fame much higher. After winning Salher, the Marathas also captured Mulher and established their reign over the Baglan region. This battle is looked as a milestone in establishing the Maratha Empire. After the battle, Shivaji became a nightmare for the Shah of Surat. 

The nearest town is Taharabad, it is 112 km away from Nashik via Satana. The climbing to Salher fort can be started from village-Waghambe, Salher or Maldar. It requires equal time( 2 hrs.) and effort to climb from either of the three villages. However, from Waghambe, it is a regular path which reaches in the saddle between Salota and Salher forts. Night camping can be done either at the top of Salher fort or in Forest Camping rest house at village Salher. There are no good hotels or shops in either of the three villages.

Jejuri Khandoba, jejuri Gad, Khandoba Temple, jejuri Temple Tour, Documentary, Information

February 22, 2022

 Tour to Jejuri Gad, Khandoba Temple, Pune, Maharashtra. 

How to reach Jejuri Gad, Khandoba temple : 

Jejuri is around 48 Km from Pune. Easily accessible by road from Pune. 

It takes around 45 mins to 1 hr to reach to the temple, and you have to climb around 385 stairs. 

Jejuri Temple is more popular among Newly married Maharashtrian couples, It is a kuldaivat for many Maharashtrian families.

Jejuri (Marathi pronunciation: [d͡ʒed͡zuɾiː]) is a city and a municipal council in Pune district of Maharashtra, India. The town has an important mandir of the Hindu Lord Khandoba, the Khandoba Mandir, which is situated on a hill in this town. It is one of the most visited tirtha (holy places) in Maharashtra.

Khandoba is a clan god for many Maharashtrian castes and communities, beloved as a god who grants wishes. His wives Mhalsa and Banai represent their caste groups, the Lingayat Vanya of Karnataka and the nomadic shepherds, the Dhangar tribe.

Jejuri has lime deposits. The historic Shaniwar Wada fort, the central seat of Peshawa of Maratha Empire at Pune was completed in 1732 by the Bajirao I, at a total cost of Rs. 16,110, With lime mined from the lime-belts of Jejuri.

In 1739 Chimaji Appa, a general of the Maratha Empire and brother of Peshwa Bajirao, defeated the Portuguese in the Battle of Vasai. After the war, Chimaji Appa and his Maratha soldiers took 38 church bells from there as memorabilia and installed them in 34 Hindu mandirs of Maharashtra. They installed one of these bells in Khandoba's mandir, where it still is.

Khandoba temple

Naik Hari Makaji And Tatya Makaji

The Koli brothers Naik Hari Makati and Naik Tatya Makaji were revolutionaries from Maharashtra who revolted against the British Hukumat. With Naik Rama Krishna of Kalambai, they raised an army of Ramoshis from Satara and revolted. In 1879 their Ramoshi army raided Poona fifteen times, then Satara many times after that. In February 1879, Naik Hari Makaji attacked a portion of Bhimthadi[clarification needed] in Baramati. On the eighth raid into Baramati, Naik Hari Makaji was attacked by British police, but escaped, fighting hand to hand with two British policemen. He wounded them but two Ramoshis were captured. At the beginning of March, Hari Makaji again rose and revolted and raided in Indapur and raided, but was captured in Solapur in mid-March. After this, Tatya Makaji led his revolution until the end of the year, raiding villages on the Purandar and Sinhagad ranges.

On 17 October, Koli Naik Tatya Makaji and some of his followers killed a Ramoshi who was an informer for British Major Wise. After that Tatya Makaji Naik brought to justice


रायगड किल्ला (धरतीवरचा स्वर्ग) Raigad Fort छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज समाधीस्थळ

December 04, 2021

 छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या स्वराज्यातील सर्वात महत्वपूर्ण किल्ला म्हणजे राजधानी रायगड

या व्हिडीओ मध्ये संपूर्ण रायगड किल्ला तुम्हाला पहायला मिळेल

Raigad is a hill fort situated in Mahad, Raigad district of Maharashtra, India. It is one of the strongest fortresses on the Deccan Plateau. Many constructions and structures on Raigad were built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Chief Engineer was Hirojee Indulkar. When Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj made it his capital in 1674 upon being crowned the king of the Maratha kingdom, which later developed into the Maratha Empire, eventually covering much of western and central India. In 1765, the fort was the location of an armed campaign by the British East India Company. Finally, on 9 May 1818, the fort was looted and destroyed by the British. The fort rises 820 metres (2,700 ft) above sea level in the Sahyadri mountain range. There are approximately 1,737 steps leading to the fort. The Raigad Ropeway, an aerial tramway, reaches 400 meters in height and 750 meters in length, and allows visitors to reach the fort from the ground in only four minutes.

The Raigad Fort was built by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj[citation needed] and the chief engineer was Hiroji Indulkar. The main palace was constructed using wood, of which only the base pillars remain. The main fort ruins consist of the queen's quarters, six chambers, with each chamber having its own private restroom. However, an interesting observation is that the chambers do not have any window, which may suggest they could have been used as store-rooms to store valuables and personal belongings of the queens. In addition, ruins of three watch towers can be seen directly in front of the palace grounds out of which only two remain as the third one was destroyed during a bombardment. The Raigad Fort also has ruins of a market which was accessible to horseback riders, although they could also have been guest houses for important visitors due to their internal structure and close proximity to the court. The fort also overlooks an artificial lake known as the Ganga Sagar Lake.[citation needed] The only main pathway to the fort passes through the "Maha Darwaja" (Huge Door) which was previously closed at sunset. The Maha Darwaja has two huge bastions on both sides of the door which are approximately 65–70 feet in height. The top of the fort is 600 ft above this door. The king's court, inside the Raigad Fort has a replica of the original throne that faces the main doorway called the Nagarkhana Darwaja. It was here where Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Rajyabhishek took place. This enclosure had been acoustically designed to aid hearing from the doorway to the throne. A secondary entrance, called the Mena Darwaja, was supposedly the private entrance for the royal ladies of the fort that lead to the queen's quarters. The convoy of the king and the king himself used the Palkhi Darwaja. To the right of Palkhi Darwaja, is a row of three dark and deep chambers. Historians believe that these were the granaries for the fort. From the fort, one can view the execution point called Takmak Tok, a cliff from which sentenced prisoners were thrown to their death. This area has been fenced off. A statue of Shivaji Maharaj is erected in front of the ruins of the main market avenue that leads to the Jagdishwar Mandir, which has Hiroji Indulkar's name engraved on the first step, his own Samadhi and that of his dog named Waghya. The Samadhi of Rajmata Jijabai, Shivaji's mother, can be seen at the base village of Pachad. Additional famous attractions of the fort include the Khubladha Buruj, Nane Darwaja and the Hatti Talav (Elephant Lake)

Kataldhaar waterfall trek || Lockdown Diaries || Trekking in Lonavla

June 19, 2021

“Kataldhar Waterfall Trek” gives us the immense pleasure of Trekking. “Katal” means the wall of Rock & “Dhar” means a Waterfall.

Located close to Lonavala, the Kataldhar trek takes about 4-5 hours to get to the waterfall. You'll start your trek by walking along a road that cuts through tropical forests. The waterfall is not too far from Rajmachi. Take on the challenge of an adventurous route | Traverse a dense forest filled with the sounds of nature. 

Kataldhar is a waterfall near Lonavala in Pune district in the Indian state of Maharashtra. This waterfall is not so famous because reaching the valley is somewhat difficult and requires basic trekking experience. Water is not available there for the whole year, but a good amount of water falls during the monsoon season.

Kataldhar Waterfall is located near Rajmachi Fort. To get there, find 3 mango trees on the Rajmachi Trekking route, at which point you can descend the Ulhas valley through dense forest. After reaching Kataldhar Waterfall you will see one eye shaped cave that could easily accommodate 100 people. At this cave, you will see Rajmachi Fort (Srivardhan Fort Balekilla).

The height of Kataldhar Lonavla is about 350 feet with an overhand of more than 100 feet. 


Pindari Glacier Trek by TTH - A forgotten legendary trek | Trek The Himalayas

May 28, 2021

 Pindari glacier trek is a forgotten trek that has not lost its charm. Numerous waterfalls, rhododendrons laden paths, typical  kumaoni home stays, crossing moraines, hard snow and finally the closest view of Pindari glacier, the trek has enough to offer. An interesting fact about the trek is that a baba resides next to the glacier. He is living the nomad life for years. With so many unique element in Pindari Glacier trek, it definitely has no reason to be forgotten !

जीवधन किल्ला l Jivdhan Fort : The Most Adventurous Trek In SAHYADRI | Drone Shots2020

May 21, 2021

 Jivdhan (or Jeevdhan) is a hill fortress situated 1 km near the modern day town of Ghatghar in Junnar Taluka of Pune district in Maharashtra, India. The fort, which rises 1,145 meters (3,757 feet) above sea level, is located in the Sahyadri mountain range. The fort was looted and destroyed by the British upon siege between 1815 -1818 Jivdhan is a part of the 'Famous 5' trekking destinations among trekking enthusiasts. Chavaand, Hadsar, Shivneri, and Naneghat are the other destinations in the Famous 5 trek. This is a high difficulty grade trek due to the misleading jungle tracks and the necessity and knowledge of using climbing equipment. The rock cut steps are wonderfully carved, which lead to the kalyan gate. There are hooks attached on the walls of the rock cut steps near kalyan gate, which makes it easy for regular climber.

Golconda Fort & Gol Gumbaz

May 21, 2021

 Ever heard of an ancient defense system that reveals the enemies intentions just through their whispers and movements? This episode takes us to the Golconda fort and Gol Gumbaz to highlight the ancient acoustic systems in place.

Shergarh Fort | शेरगढ़ किला | Part - 1 | Kaimur Bihar

May 21, 2021

 इस वीडियों में मैने शेरगढ़ किले के पहले भाग को दिखाया है । ये किला एक पहाड़ी पर बना हुआ है और ऐसा कहा जाता है कि इस किले पर शेरशाह सूरी का अधिपत्य था । किला करीब 15 वर्ग किमी में फैला हुआ है, यह किला आज के समय में पूरी तरह से खंडहर हो चुका है और इसके ज्यादातर हिस्सों में बहुत सारी झाड़िया भी जमी हुई है ।

इस किले में बहुत सारे तहखाने हैं जो कि आज के समय में भी यह पूरी तरह से सही सलामत बचा हुआ है और यह तहखाना देखने में बहुत ही डरावना भी लगता हैं । ऐसा कहा जाता है कि शेरशाह सूरी का परिवार और उनके 10 हजार फौजी दस्ता इसी किले में रहा करते थे। इस पहाड़ के नीचे एक बहुत बड़ा बांध है जो कि दुर्गावती नदी पर बना हुआ है और यह बांध करमचट्ट बांध के नाम से जाना जाता है ।

Gangotri Gaumukh Tapovan Trek | A Journey to The Source of River Ganga

May 21, 2021

 We covered the Thrilling and Adventures Gaumukh Tapovan Trek that was once India's Favorite Trek. The altitude of Gaumukh is 13,200 ft whereas of Tapovan is about 14,640 ft.

Trek start from Gangotri to the Source of River Ganga. Usually this Trek is for 3 or 4 days but we completed it in 2 days only, it depends on the time as well. In winter when there is snow then it's hard to trek and you need to take rest

Gangotri Gaumukh Tapovan Trek | Trek The Himalayas

May 21, 2021

 Here is our another stunning capture of the most stupendous trek the Gaumukh Tapovan trek. A trek that begins from the religious Gangotri that goes through rich biodiversity of the snowcapped mountains and ends at the giant Gomukh and magnificent Shivling peak. 

Our videographer Yatin Godara and team has worked hard to bring the real and hidden aspects of this trek.  Look around the beauty of the landscapes while remembering that beautiful comes after a little walking effort. This trek is yet another example that sincere efforts are paid off by the magnificent views of the highest peaks. 

Valley of Flowers Trek | Uttarakhand | Heaven on Earth

May 21, 2021

 About Valley of Flowers -

Valley of Flowers National Park is an Indian national park, located in North Chamoli, in the state of Uttarakhand and is known for its meadows of endemic alpine flowers and the variety of flora.  This richly diverse area is also home to rare and endangered animals, including the Asiatic black bear, snow leopard, musk deer, brown bear, red fox, and blue sheep.

Valley of flowers is house to over 500 different species of flowers. It is a UNESCO world heritage site. The place was little known to the outside world due to its inaccessibility. In 1931, Frank S. Smythe, Eric Shipton and R.L. Holdsworth, all British mountaineers, lost their way while returning from a successful expedition to Mt.Kamet and happened upon the valley, which was full of flowers. They were attracted to the beauty of the area and named it the "Valley of Flowers." Frank Smythe later authored a book of the same name.

Chadar Frozen River Trek documentary by Trek The Himalayas (TTH)

May 21, 2021

 The Ladakh region offers some exceptional topography one of them is the blue Zanskar freezing in time. Walking on this ice Chadar is the adventure of a lifetime. Negative temperatures, brown-yellow mountains, azure skies, and lots of like-minded people to share the thrill. 

Have you ever wondered what happens when there is no Chadar to walk open? We bet you can never imagine the euphoria of stepping from ice into freezing water. Mountains are unpredictable and hence they are fantastic is what we hear. But Chadar is the one trek where you will get to experience it. 

Darjeeling Sandakphu Trek | The best Trekking Destination in India

May 21, 2021

 This Documentary covered for tourist who have trekked with us and went with happy memories !

About the Trek :  When people hear about Darjeeling, most think of the famous tea plantations. If they know more about the area, they might think of Darjeeling as a jumping off point for mountain treks in Sikkim. Little do people know that just a short drive from Darjeeling lie some of the greatest trails in India. Several days of hiking/walking/trekking around Darjeeling will leave you with a positive lasting impression of this natural dreamland.

Where else in the world can you get a sweeping view of four out of the five highest peaks in the world? From the summit of Sandakphu (3636 meters / 11,929 feet), Mount Everest (8848 meteres), Kanchenjunga (8586 meters), Lhotse (8516 meters), and Makalu (8481 meters) can be seen in all their majesty. Each of our treks visit Sandakhpu – the highlight of trekking in Darjeeling.

About Singalila National Park is a nature lover’s paradise. Feel the cool mountain air as you are surrounded by rhododendron, orchid, pine and bamboo trees. In fact, there are over 600 varieties of orchids in the area! These lush forests are home to a diverse group of wildlife. Dispersed along the trails, you might run into the elusive red panda, leopard, barking deer, Himalayan black bar, serow, takin, and countless other wonderful species.

As is the case with all treks, you will have an authentic cultural experience with the locals in each passing village. Eat the same food as those who live in the area, while learning about their customs, culture, and everyday lifestyle. The mountain views are part of the adventure, but spending time with Gurung, Rai, Limbu, and other fascinating ethnic groups adds much cultural value to the journey. Also, nothing beats finishing a long day of trekking and being greeted with a hot plate of dal bhaat (traditional meal) and a glass of chhang (local rice beer).

Ashmita Trek and Tours offers trekking packages for all types of trekkers. Even if you have no trekking experience, we will show you the time of your life on a beautiful mountainside trail. Besides, none of the trails in Darjeeling are too strenuous for even a beginner.


Tailbaila Trek, Mulshi, Pune, Maharashtra

January 17, 2021

 Tailbaila is also known as Telbaila or Telbail is a village and also a watch tower or so called fort nearby. It is a dyke structure consisting of twin walls separated by a V cut and temple. Perfect place for steep free rock climbing activities. Road conditions bad from Saltar Pass or Bayaji Khind.

One can also go to Savashini Ghat to Sudhagad and Waghjai Ghat to Thanala Caves

Easy trek till the temple but rock climbing will require ropes for safety. Contact some professional groups to climb. 

Tail Baila is a village in Mulshi taluka[1] of Pune District in the state of Maharashtra, India.Talukas surrounding the village are Karjat taluka, Talegaon Dabhade Taluka, Mawal taluka and by Khalapur taluka. Districts closest to the village are Raigad district, Thane district, Mumbai City district and Mumbai Suburban district. Nearest railway stations around the village are Vadgaon railway station, Begdewadi railway station, Lonavala railway station, Talegaon railway station and Kamshet railway station.

Ajoba Hills Trek, Sitamai Palna, Dehene, Maharashtra

January 17, 2021

 This is Sitamai Cha Palna trek in Ajoba Hills. The real Ajoba lies at 1100m whereas the Luv Kush caves are at 700m. Ajoba is also known as Ajaparvat.

Ajobagad is a fort in the state of Maharashtra , India .

Grandfather's hill in the middle of Ratangad and Harishchandragad in the Balaghat range looks like an ancient man. The 3,000 feet high wall of this fort is a challenge and a unique goal for the climbers. 

According to mythology, Valmiki wrote the Ramayana while sitting on this fort . It was on this fort that Sitamai gave birth to Love and Kush . Love and Kush used to call Valmiki 'Grandfather', hence the name 'Ajobagad'. There is an ashram and samadhi of Valmiki on the fort.

The first way is to reach the ashram of Valmiki sage in about half an hour. Since there is no way to get to the top of the fort from the ashram of Valmiki sage, you have to stay at the ashram. There is a hut on the fort. There is a spring nearby. If there is a stay program, you have to arrange the meal from home. If you go up the waterfall from the ashram, you will find a cave at the top after about an hour and a half. Here Lovekusha's shoes are carved in the rock. There is also a water tank on the left. Iron ladders have also been installed to reach the cave. This is the way to return to the ashram. Thus, for those coming from Mumbai, grandfather's fort is a scenic fort. Leaving two to three water tanks at the top of the fort is nothing special to see. Many Durgavirs trek for 4 to 5 days from Ratangad - Grandfather's Fort - Harishchandragad.

From Mumbai to Asangaon Railway Station:

The easiest way to reach the fort is to reach Asangaon railway station from Mumbai.

From here to Shahapur by rickshaw or ST. From here in the morning by ST or jeep via Dolkhamb-Sakurli to reach the village 'Dehane'. There is a plateau in the middle of the village. The plateau is divided into three parts. One of these bullock carts leads straight to the ashram of Valmiki sage. The other way goes to the hill of Katrabai and further to the village of 'Kumshet'. The third way goes to the forest. It is better not to go this way.

By Kalyan - Murbad - Malshej - Dolkhamb:

Dene village can also be reached by Kalyan - Murbad - Malshej -Dolkhamb route.

Kasara - Ghoti - Rajur - Kumshet Route:

To see the top of the fort, one can go through Kasara - Ghoti - Rajur -Kumshet.


Chanderi Fort Trek - Most Challenging and Difficult Hiking in Maharashtra

January 11, 2021

 Chanderi Fort located at Chanderi in Ashoknagar District of Madhya Pradesh state in India is situated at a distance of 127 km from Shivpuri and 37 km from Lalitpur and about 45 km from Esagarh and 38 km from Mungoali It is located on a hill southwest of the Betwa River. Chanderi is surrounded by hills, lakes and forests and there are several monuments of the Bundela Rajputs and Malwa sultans. Chanderi finds mention in Mahabharata. Shishupal was the king of Mahabharata period.

Chanderi is located strategically on the borders of Malwa and Bundelkhand. History of Chanderi goes back to the 11th century, when it was dominated by the trade routes of Central India and was proximate to the arterial route to the ancient ports of Gujarat as well as to Malwa, Mewar, Central India and the Deccan. Consequently, Chanderi became an important military outpost.

Chanderi Fort, a vast Mughal fort, dominates the skyline of the lovely old town of Chanderi. The main gate of the fort is known as the "Khooni Darwaza". Chanderi fort is situated on a hill 71 meter above the town. The fortification walls were constructed mainly by the Muslim rulers of Chanderi. To the southwest of the fort there is a curious gateway called katti-ghatti made through a hill side.

Chanderi is mentioned by the Persian scholar Alberuni in 1030. Ghiyas ud din Balban captured the city in 1251 for Nasiruddin Mahmud, Sultan of Delhi. Sultan Mahmud Khilji of Malwa captured the city in 1438 after a siege of several months. In 1520 Rana Sangha of Mewar captured the city, and gave it to Medini Rai, a rebellious minister of Sultan Mahmud II of Malwa. The Mughal Emperor Babur captured the city from Medini Rai, and in 1540 it was captured by Sher Shah Suri, and added to the governorship of Shujaat Khan. The Mughal Emperor Akbar made the city a sarkar in the subah of Malwa. The Bundela Rajputs captured the city in 1586, and it was held by Ram Sab, a son of Raja Madhukar of Orchha. In 1680 Devi Singh Bundela was made governor of the city with his commander in chief and prime minister of chanderi state Maharaja Chaubey Bhim singh, and Chanderi remained in the hands of his family until it was annexed in 1811 by Jean Baptiste Filose for the Maratha ruler Daulat Rao Sindhia of Gwalior. The city was transferred to the British in 1844. The British lost control of the city during the Revolt of 1857, and the city was recaptured by Sir Hugh Rose on February 14, 1858. Richard Harte Keatinge was awarded the Victoria Cross for leading this assault. The city was transferred back to the Sindhias of Gwalior in 1861, and became part of Isagarh District of Gwalior state. After India's independence in 1947, Gwalior became part of the new state of Madhya Bharat, which was merged into Madhya Pradesh on November 1, 1956.

Chanderi Fort is located near Chinchavli Village which is about 10km from Vangani railway station and 16km from Badlapur Railway station.

Chanderi Fort is one of the challenging and adventures trek in Maharashtra. 

Height of Chanderi Fort is about 790m above sea level.

In this video, we will guide you how to reach Chanderi Fort.  Chanderi Fort offers great view of Mhaismal, Malangad, Navra-Navri and Tavli and Prabalgad, Irshalgad and Kalavantin Durg in Panvel region.

Chanderi Fort is one of the Challenging Trek in Maharashtra.


Prabalgad | Prabalgad Fort | प्रबळगड - छत्रपती शिवरायांच्या पदस्पर्शांने पावन झालेला गड.

January 10, 2021

 Prabalgad (also known as Muranjan, Pradhangad or Prabalmachi) is a fort located between Matheran and Panvel and comes under the Raigad District in the state of Maharashtra, India.

The Prabalgad Fort stands at an elevation of 2,300 feet (700 m) in the Western Ghats. The fort was previously known as Muranjan until it was taken over and renamed by the Maratha forces under chatrapati Shivaji's rule. Its sister fort is Irshalgad. Right next to Prabalgad, to its north, lies the steep Kalavantin pinnacle.

The Prabalgad Fort was built by the Bahmani Sultanate to keep an eye on the Panvel Fort and the Kalyan Fort in the North Konkan area.[citation needed] Around 1458 A.D, "Malik Ahmad" the prime minister of the kingdom of Ahmednagar, took over the fort during his conquest of Konkan.[3][failed verification] After disintegration of the Bahmani Sultanate, the fort remained with the Ahmadnagar Sultanate.

During the collapse of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate, Shahaji led a helping hand against the separate forces of the Mughal Empire and the Adil Shahi dynasty. After the collapse of the Sultanate, he moved to Muranjan along with his wife Jijabai and son Shivaji for a brief period of time.

However, following Shahaji's defeat and the agreement of Mahuli, North Konkan along with the fort, was ceded to Mughals who granted ruling authority of the area to Adilshah of Bijapur. Shivaji conquered the fort from the Mughals in 1657 A.D, after which he established himself in the Kalyan-Bhivandi area.

During the attack by Shivaji, the fort was governed by "Kesar Singh", a Mughal sardar, and was the only fort to put up a strong resistance. Singh died during the battle in October 1657. Kesar Singh's mother hid herself and her grandchild during the attack. Shivaji, in an act of kindness made sure the lady and the child were allowed a safe passage out.

In the year 1826, Umaji Naik, a freedom fighter and his associates were believed to have made the fort as their home for a brief period of time.

Prabalgad lies on the prabal plateau between Matheran and Panvel and can be easily spotted from the Mumbai-Pune expressway. The Ulhas River runs to the east of the fort while the "Gadhi River" runs to the west. The Patalganga River is to the south.

The forts of Chanderi and Peb are to the west. The Manikgad Fort is to the south while the Karnala fort is located towards the north.

Kalavantin Durg is a 685m high pinnacle on the northern edge of the Prabal plateau. It is located near the Machi and near the Vajepur village.

Prabalgad | Prabal Gad | prabalgad | प्रबळगड | Vinayak Parab | Prabalgad Fort | 

Prabalgad fort located between Matheran and Panvel and comes under the Raigad District in the state of Maharashtra, India.


उत्तर कोकणातील हा किल्ला त्याच्या मुलुखात असलेल्या पनवेल, कल्याण या प्राचीन बंदरांवर नजर ठेवण्यास असावा. किल्ल्यावरील गुहांच्या अभ्यासावरुन त्यांचा कालखंड बौद्ध कालाशी जोडता येतो. त्यांच्यावरील मनुष्यनिर्मित गुहांमुळेच उत्तरकालातील शिलाहार, यादव या राज्यकर्त्यांनी त्याला लष्करी चौकी बनवून मुरंजन असे नाव दिले. बहामनीच्या कालात हा किल्ला आकारास आला असावा. नंतर अहमदनगरच्या निजामशाहीच्या ताब्यात तो आला. निजामशाहीच्या अस्तावेळी शहाजीराजांनी निजामशाहीच्या वारसाला छत्र धरून निजामशाही वाचवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला. पण मोगल सम्राट शाहजहान आणि विजापूरचा आदिलशहा यांनी तह करून आपल्या संयुक्त फौजा शहाजीराजांच्या मागावर पाठवल्या. तेव्हा शहाजीराजे कोंढाणा व मुरंबदेवाच्या डोंगरात निघून गेले. नंतर कोकणात जंजिऱ्याच्या सिद्दीकडे गेले असता त्याने आश्रय नाकारल्यावर चौलला पोर्तुगीजांकडे गेले. पण त्यांनीही नकार दिल्यावर शहाजीराजे जिजाऊ, बालशिवाजी आणि लष्करासह मुरंजनावर गेले. 

शिवरायांनी जावळीच्या चंद्रराव मोरेला हरवून जावळी ताब्यात घेतली, त्याचवेळी म्हणजे १६५६ मध्ये शिवरायांचा शूर सरदार आबाजी महादेव याने कल्याण भिवंडी पासून चेऊल ते रायरीपर्यंतचा सारा मुलूख स्वराज्यात घेतला. तेव्हा मुरंजन शिवाजी महाराजांच्या ताब्यात आला. किल्ल्याचे नाव बदलून किल्ले प्रबळगड असे ठेवण्यात आले. पुढे १६६५ मध्ये पुरंदरच्या तहानुसार मोगलांना दिलेल्या २३ किल्ल्यांमध्ये प्रबळगड शिवाजी महाराजांनी दिला. जयसिंगाने किल्ल्यावर राजपूत केशरसिंह हाडा हा किल्लेदार नेमला. पुढे पुरंदरचा तह मोडला. मराठे किल्ले परत घेत असतांना मराठयांशी झालेल्या लढाईत केशरसिंह धारातीर्थी पडला. तत्पूर्वी राजपूत स्त्रियांनी जोहार केला. केशरसिंहाची आई व दोन मुले किल्ल्याच्या झडतीत सापडले.शिवरायांच्या आदेशानुसार त्याने सन्मानाने देऊळगावी मोगल छावणीत पाठवण्यात आले. 

पोहोचण्याच्या वाटा :


शेडुंग मार्गे :-

मुंबईहून किंवा पुण्याहून येणार्‍यांनी पनवेल गाठावे. जून्या पनवेल - पुणे हमरस्त्यावर शेडुंग गावाकडे जाणारा फाटा आहे. एस्‌टी चालकांना सांगून शेडुंग फाट्यावर उतरावे. हमरस्त्यावरून जाणारी वाट पकडावी अर्ध्या तासाच्या रस्त्यावर शेडुंग गाव लागते. शेडुंग गावापासून (अंतर ५ किमी) ठाकुरवाडीपर्यंत चालत जावे. ठाकुरवाडी हे गडाच्या पायथ्याचे गाव आहे. गावातून वाट थेट आपल्याला प्रबळमाचीवर घेऊन जाते. प्रबळमाचीवर जाण्यास १ तास लागतो. प्रबळमाची गावातून समोरच किल्ला व कलावंतीणीचा सुळका यामधील खिंडीतून कलावंतीणीच्या सुळक्यावर जाण्यासाठी कातळात खोदलेल्या पायर्‍यांची वाट आहे. प्रबळमाची गावातून किल्ल्याचा माथा डावीकडे ठेवत ३० मिनीटे चालल्यावर एक घळ दिसते . येथून गडावर जाण्यास एक तास पुरतो. ठाकूरवाडी जाण्यास पनवेलहून बसेस आहेत,


Devkund Waterfall , Jungle Trek , Bhira , Tamini Ghat

January 08, 2021

 Devkund Falls is a waterfall located near Bhira, in Raigad district, India. It is a 'plunge' waterfall pouring massive amounts of water on the rocky surface underneath. It is a popular spot for one day picnics.

Devkund Waterfall is located in Bhira Patnus and since it went viral on social media, it has become extremely crowded and dangerous place. Several lives have been lost while amateurs try to visit this place on their own. It is the confluence of three waterfalls and is said to be the origin of Kundalika River. It is about a three-hour trek from base village along the dam backwater and through forest to reach this place known as ‘Devkund’. A major part of the trek goes through some semi-dried forests with the river running parallel and sometimes crisscrossing through the route.[3] A guide is required to be taken during the trek as there is dense forest around.

Distance from Pune: 110 km

Distance from Mumbai: 170 km

Distance from Lonavala: 52 km

Ghangad Fort l किल्ले घनगड ,सह्याद्रीच्या कुशीत लपलेला हा किल्ला

January 08, 2021

 Ghangad is a fort situated near 30km from Lonavla-Khandala and 100 km from Pune in Maharashtra state, India. This fort is an important fort in the Pune district. The fort restoration is done by the Shivaji Trail group with the help of local villagers. The fort is at least 300 years old. Restoration work took place in 2011-12.

Very less information is available about the history of the fort. This fort was used for keeping prisoners and for keeping watch on the trade route from Pune to Konkan. Until 1818 this fort was under the Maratha empire. This fort was surrendered to British forces after the fall of Korigad on 17-March-1818.

The fort can be reached by road via Tamhini ghat road or via Lonavla. The nearest town is Lonavla which is 30km from the base village of the fort i.e. Ekole. There are good hotels at Lonavla, now tea and snacks are also available in small hotels on the way at Peth Shahapur. The road becomes rugged in the Saltar pass. The trekking path starts from the hillock south of the Ekole village. The route is very safe and wide. There is a dense forest on the trekking route. It takes about half an hour to reach the entrance gate of the fort. The night stay on the fort can be made on the flat ground near the entrance or GarjaiDevi temple on the way to Fort. This fort is approachable in all seasons. The villagers from the Ekole make night stay and food arrangements at reasonable rates.

There are two gates on the fort. The main entrance gate has the arch missing. The villagers have placed an iron ladder to climb to the Balekilla of the fort. There is a rock cut water cistern on the way to the second gate. The water is available round the year for drinking purpose. It takes about an hour to visit all places on the fort. There are remains of few dilapidated building on the Balekilla. The top of the bale killa gives a scenic view of the TailBaila, Korigad, Mulshi dam and Sudhagad fort


Kenjalgad Fort Trek | Hidden Fort Near Pune

January 07, 2021

 Kenjalgad Fort (also called Ghera Khelanja Fort) in Wai, Maharashtra is a fort eleven miles (18 km) north-west of Wai. It is located on the Mandhardev spur of the Mahadev hill range. The fort is visible from quite a long distance as a stone scarp 30–40 feet high rising as a cap on the irregular hill. The fort is rhomboid in shape with 388m long axis and 175m short axis.

This fort is said to have been built by Bhoj Rajas of Panhala who flourished in the 12th century. This fort was won by Adilshah of Bijapur in 1648.Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had captured all the forts in Wai and Bhor region but, he was not able to win this fort till 1674. He captured this fort as an amazing movement while he was on a military campaign at Chiplun. He along with soldiers marched to the Kenjalgad and captured the fort by surprise. The garrison head Gangaji Vishwasrao Kirdat was killed in the ambush and the fort was captured on 24 April 1674. This fort was captured by Aurangzeb in 1701. In the subsequent year i.e. 1702 this fort was captured by Maratha Army. After the fall of Peshwa this fort was captured by British under the detachment sent by Gen. Pritzler on 26 March 1818.

The fort can be reached by road from Wai 25 km (16 mi)or from Bhor 17 km (11 mi). There are mainly two trek routes to the fort. The path starting from the col joining Raireshwar plateau and the Kenjalgad takes about an hour to reach the fort. The nearest route starts from the base village-Ghera Kenjal. It takes about half an hour to reach the top of the fort. The trek path passes through forest area and reaches the southern tip of the hill. This is followed by walking along the eastern side of the scarp. Finally, there are 55 odd nicely carved, rock-cut steps on the eastern side of the fort which lead to the top of the fort. The fort is accessible in all seasons of the year, however in the rainy season, the fort is covered with monsoon clouds. This leads to poor visibility and stormy winds. There is no water available on the trek route or the fort. A night halt can be done in the temple at the base village.

The fort is very small size plateau. The main entrance was ruined while the fort was dismantled by the British. There is a small magazine room, with no roof. The Kacheri or Sadar is in ruined form. The idols of Kenjai devi are also seen on the fort. There are two lime mixers with mortar stone in good condition. There were three large and six small water tanks on the fort. After the fort was captured by the British, they blow up the walls of the tanks and let the water drain out of the tanks.[1].There are no live spring on the fort.

Kenjalgad Fort (also called Ghera Khelanja Fort) in Wai, Maharashtra is a fort eleven miles (18 km) north-west of Wai. It is located on the Mandhardev spur of the Mahadev hill range.


Naneghat | Nane ghat | नाणेघाट प्राचीन व्यापारी मार्ग

January 06, 2021

 Naneghat, also referred to as Nanaghat or Nana Ghat (IAST: Nānāghaṭ), is a mountain pass in the Western Ghats range between the Konkan coast and the ancient town of Junnar in the Deccan plateau. The pass is about 120 kilometres (75 mi) north of Pune and about 165 kilometres (103 mi) east from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It was a part of an ancient trading route, and is famous for a major cave with Middle Indic inscriptions in Brahmi script. These inscriptions have been dated between the 2nd and the 1st century BCE, and attributed to the Satavahana dynasty era. The inscriptions are notable for linking the Vedic and Vaishnavism deities, mentioning some Vedic srauta rituals and of names that provide historical information about the ancient Satavahanas. The inscriptions present the world's oldest numeration symbols for "2, 4, 6, 7, and 9" that resemble modern era numerals, more closely those found in modern Nagari and Hindu-Arabic script.

Nanaghat pass stretches over the Western Ghats, through an ancient stone laid hiking trail to the Nanaghat plateau. The pass was the fastest key passage that linked the Indian west coast seaports of Sopara, Kalyan and Thana with economic centers and human settlements in Nasik, Paithan, Ter and others, according to Archaeological Survey of India.[9] Near the top is large, ancient manmade cave. On the cave's back wall are a series of inscriptions, some long and others short. The high point and cave is reachable by road via Highways 60 or 61. The cave archaeological site is about 120 kilometres (75 mi) north of Pune and about 165 kilometres (103 mi) east from Mumbai. The Naneghat Cave is near other important ancient sites. It is, for example, about 35 kilometres (22 mi) from the Lenyadri Group of Theravada Buddhist Caves and some 200 mounds that have been excavated near Junnar, mostly from the 3rd-century BCE and 3rd-century CE period.

During the reign of the Satavahana (c. 200 BCE – 190 CE), the Naneghat pass was one of the trade routes. It connected the Konkan coast communities with Deccan high plateau through Junnar. Literally, the name nane means "coin" and ghat means "pass". The name is given because this path was used as a tollbooth to collect toll from traders crossing the hills. According to Charles Allen, there is a carved stone that from distance looks like a stupa, but is actually a two-piece carved stone container by the roadside to collect tolls.

The scholarship on the Naneghat Cave inscription began after William Sykes found them while hiking during the summer of 1828. Neither an archaeologist nor epigraphist, his training was as a statistician and he presumed that it was a Buddhist cave temple. He visited the site several times and made eye-copy (hand drawings) of the script panel he saw on the left and the right side of the wall. He then read a paper to the Bombay Literary Society in 1833 under the title, Inscriptions of the Boodh caves near Joonur, later co-published with John Malcolm in 1837. Sykes believed that the cave's "Boodh" (Buddhist) inscription showed signs of damage both from the weather elements as well as someone crudely incising to desecrate it. He also thought that the inscription was not created by a skilled artisan, but someone who was in a hurry or not careful. Sykes also noted that he saw stone seats carved along the walls all around the cave, likely because the cave was meant as a rest stop or shelter for those traveling across the Western Ghats through the Naneghat pass.

नाणेघाट  - व्यापारासाठी सोयीचे व्हावे यासाठीच देश व कोकणाला जोडत हा घाट खोदण्यात आला.  नाणेघाट हा भारताच्या महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील एक प्राचीन व्यापारी घाट मार्ग आहे. हा मार्ग पुर्वीचे जीर्णनगर(जुन्नर) व कोकणातील भाग यांना जोडतो. हा घाटमार्ग सातवाहन कालीन आहे.. इसवी सन पूर्व पहिल्या शतकात हे खोदकाम झाले. 


मौर्य राजा नंतर सत्तेत आलेल्या सातवाहन राजांनी हा घाट खोदला. या घाटात सातवाहनांनी एक लेणे तयार करत त्यामध्ये त्यांच्या कुलाची गाथाही कोरून ठेवलेली आढळते. येथे असलेल्या लेखात सातवाहन सम्राज्ञी नागणिके विषयी माहिती मिळते. या लेखांमध्ये महाराष्ट्राच्या आद्य राज्यकुल, त्यांचा पराक्रम, दानधर्माबद्दल माहिती आहे. इसवी सन पूर्व पहिल्या शतकात भारताच्या मोठया भूप्रदेशावर राज्य करणारा सातवाहन हे पहिले राजे. हा राजवंश सुमारेचार शतके सलगतेने राज्य करत होता.. प्रतिष्ठान (पैठण), जीर्णनगर (जुन्नर), तगर (तेर), नेवासे, नाशिक अशी भरभराटीला आलेली शहरे या राजवटीत उदयास आली. अशा या सातवाहनांच्या राज्यात प्रवेश करण्यासाठी ‘नाणेघाट’ हा प्रमुख मार्ग होता. 

येथील एका लेखात सातवाहनांच्या पराक्रमाशिवाय त्यांनी इथे केलेले यज्ञ, दानधर्माचे उल्लेख आहेत. सातवाहन राजांनी दोनदा अश्वमेध यज्ञ केला असे दिसून येते. याशिवाय वाजपेय यज्ञ, राजसूय यज्ञ असे तब्बल २२ यज्ञ इथे पार पडल्याची माहिती हे लेख देतात. हजारो गाई, शेकडो हत्ती, घोडे, खेडी, धान्य, वस्त्र-अलंकार आणि तत्कालीन सातवाहनांची कार्षांपण या नाण्यांचा मोठा दानधर्म केल्याचाही यात उल्लेख येतो.

Tikona Fort Trek | Best treking option near Lonavla |Maharashtra Fort

January 06, 2021

 Tikona also known as Vitandgad) is the dominant hill fort in Maval in western India. It is located near Kamshet around 60 km from Pune. The village nearest to the fort is called Tikona-Peth. The 3500 ft high hill is pyramidal in shape and the name Tikona means "triangular".

The fort is a trekking destination noted for the large doors, the temple of 'Trimbakeshwar Mahadev', a water tanks (seven water tanks) and some Satvahan caves. Trek organisers also commend the views of Pawna dam and the nearby forts of Tung, Lohagad and Visapur. There is a good view of Pawana lake from the summit.

Little is known about the origins of this fort. There is a vihara on the fort datable to circa seventh-eight centuries A.D. Malik Ahmad Nizam Shah I of the Nizam Shahi dynasty conquered the fort in 1585 and annexed it to the Nizam territory. In 1657, Shivaji Maharaj brought the whole of Konkan, which had been Nizam territory, under his control when he conquered Tikona along with the forts of Karnala, Lohgad, Mahuli, Songad, Tala, and Visapur. This fort was a strategic nexus: the centre of control for the entire Pawana Mawal region. In 1660, Dhamale family, the Deshmukhs from Maval region were charged with ensuring the security of fort Tikona.It was under the Dhamale Deshmukh family for long time. Jaysingh invaded the region in 1665 and attacked the local villages but the forts held out. Tikona fort was surrendered to the Mughal warrior Kubadkhan, who had attacked the region together with Halal Khan and others, according to the Treaty of Purandar signed on 12 June 1665. Kubad Khan took over the fort on 18 June but it was later recaptured by the Marathas. In 1682 King Sambhaji met Aurangzeb's son Akbar. After the meeting the Akbar was offered to stay on Tikona fort, however he was shifted to Jaitapur as the climate didn't suit him. A small battle was fought by Maratha army with British in 1818, before it was captured by the latter.

Basic Info: Tikona fort is a hill fort located near Kamshet [Maval region] in Maharashtra. Height from sea level is 3500 feet. Its twin fort is called Tung.

Routes: First you would have to head towards Lonavala and from Lonavala to Kamshet. Then from Kamshet the locals can guide you for the route to Gavhande Village which is also called as Tikona Peth. This is the base village for Tikona. From this point the actual trek begins.

Difficulty Level and Other useful tips: 

Difficulty level is Easy.

Ways To Reach :From the village of Tikona Peth :      The main route to the fort is from the village of Tikona Peth. To reach this village, alight at Kamshet, which is two stops ahead of Lonavala on the Mumbai- Pune rail route. From Kamshet railway station, take a bus / shared private vehicle (jeep) to Kale colony. One can also get a vehicle to reach Tikona Peth from Kale colony.

A bus at 08:30 a.m. at Kamshet bound for Paund or Morsay is convenient for reaching Tikona Peth. From Tikona Peth the fort can be reached in about 45 minutes. This straight route is quite simple and not at all tiring. After passing through the entrance door, a path leads towards left and takes us to the citadel in about 20 minutes.

From the Bedse caves :      A combined trek of Lohgad, Visapur, Bedse caves and Tikona can be done. On such a trek, Tikona can be reached from the Bedse caves.From Kevre-Bramhnoli-Tikona Peth :      A combined trek of Tung and Tikona can also be done. For that, climb down to Tungawadi after visiting fort Tung. From here reach the village of Bramhnoli with a launch available from the village of Kevre. It takes about 30 minutes' to walk from Bramhnoli to Tikona Peth.

Accommodation Facility :      Except during monsoon, about 10 to 15 persons can be accommodated in the cave.

Food Facility:      Not available, need to carry on our own.

Drinking-Water Facility:      Potable water is available throughout the year.


Hadsar Fort | Hadsar | अजस्र असा हडसर किल्ला आणि गजांच्या वाटेचा थरार

January 05, 2021

 Hadsar fort is among the many forts in Junnar region of Pune district which were meant for protection of the ancient commercial trade route from Mawal region to Kalyan via Naneghat. There is a marvelous sculpture design of the bastion and the fort entrance, which is not seen elsewhere. They are all carved from a single rock.

It is believed that this fort was built in the Satavahana Era. This fort was mentioned in the Treaty of Purandar between King Shivaji and Moghuls. This fort was captured by British in 1818.

The uniqueness of this fort is in the construction of the entrance gate. The entrance gate, rooms for sentries, water cisterns, steps to the fort are all chiselled from single rock. There is temple of Mahdev at the top of the fort. There are stone cut idols of Ganesh, Garud and Hanuman in the temple. There is a big lake on the fort.

The Hadsar fort is near the Village Hadsar. Hadsar village is located 13  km North-West of Junnar. From the village, there are two paths to reach the fort top. The easiest way is from the southern side, which passes through the main gate. the other way is from the northern side of the Fort. There is a rock path of 20feet high to climb. There are rock-cut holds and thrust to rely upon, but is a very difficult yet thrilling experience. The help of experts with climbing apparatus and ropes should be taken while climbing. A night halt can be made in the Mahadev village. The route to the village Hadsar is shared in the link.

टीप : हडसर किल्ला - खुंटीची वाट खतरणाक असल्यामुळे योग्य ती सुरशतेची साधण घेऊनच हा ट्रेक करावा उदाहरण : दोरखंड , हारणेस आणि मुख्य मह्णजे योग्य तज्ञ गिर्यारोहणाच्या मार्गदर्शन सोबत करावा हि विनंती  🙏🙏🙏

(Note :  Hadsar Fort -  While Climbing this route use proper safety while climbing like use Rope , Harness  even in presence of proper expert Mountaineer or in his Guidance.🙏🙏🙏)

किल्ल्यावर जाण्याचे दोन मार्ग आहेत. यापैकी एक वाट राजदरवाज्याची असून, दुसरी वाट गावकर्‍यांनी त्र्‍यांच्या सोयीसाठी दगडात पायर्‍या कोरून बांधून काढलेली आहे. कोणत्याही वाटेने गडावर पोहचण्यासाठी हडसर या गावी यावे लागते.

इतिहास -    

हडसर किल्ल्याचे दुसरे नाव म्हणजे पर्वतगड. सातवाहनकालात या गडाची निर्मिती झाली असून, 

नाणेघाटाच्या संरक्षणासाठी बांधलेला किल्ला.

हडसर किल्ल्याचा उल्लेख शिवकाळात फारसा आढळत नाही

सभासद बखरीत फक्त नावाचा उल्लेख आहे. हडसर उर्फ पर्वतगड म्हणून. 

हडसरचे पर्वतगड नामकरण शिवकाळातच - शिवाजी महाराजांनी केल्याचे म्हणतात. कारण सभासद बखरीत पर्वतगड उल्लेख येतो म्हणून

शिवाय हडसर किल्ल्याचा महत्त्वाचा उल्लेख आढळतो 'पर्णालपर्वत ग्रहणाख्यान' या समकालिन संस्कृत काव्यग्रंथामध्ये.

१६३७ मध्ये शहाजी राजांनी मोगलांशी केलेल्या तहामध्ये हडसर किल्ल्याचा समावेश होता, असा उल्लेख ऐतिहासिक कागदपत्रांमध्ये आढळतो. 

यानंतर १८१८ च्या सुमारास ब्रिटिशांनी जुन्नर व आसपासचे किल्ले जिंकले. हडसर किल्ल्याच्या वाटा ब्रिटिशांनी सुरुंग लावून फोडल्या.

गडाला भेट देण्यासाठी 

जुन्नर वरुन हडसर साठी बस पकडा जर खुंटीच्या वाटेने जायाचे असल्यास हडसर ला उतरा जर मुख्य राजमार्गाने जायाचे झाल्यास राजुर नं: १ किंवा पेठच्या वाडिला उतरावे


BIDAR FORT | Best Fort In India | Pune to Bidar Fort

January 04, 2021

 Bidar Fort is a fort situated in the Bidar, Karnataka, India. The fort, the city and the district are all affixed with the name Bidar. Sultan Alla-Ud Din Bahman of the Bahmanid Dynasty shifted his capital from Gulbarga to Bidar in 1427 and built his fort along with a number of Islamic monuments.[2][3] There are over 30 monuments inside Bidar fort.

Bidar city and fort are located on the edge of the Bidar plateau, the northernmost in Karnataka state. The plateau area, comprising low laterite hills, ends to the north at the Manjira River, a major tributary of the Godavari River. The Karanja River, a sub-tributary, drains the surrounding low-lying areas and feeds into the Manjiri River. Bidar district comprises the only part of the Godavari basin in Karnataka.[7]

Geologically, Bidar district is predominantly Deccan Trap with underlying layers of gneiss emerging along the eastern boundary.[6] The plateau has an altitude of 2,200 feet (670 m), and measures 22 miles (35 km) in length and 12 miles (19 km) in width at its broadest. The plateau encompasses a total area of 190 square kilometres (73 sq mi).[2] Bidar fort is built in the form of an irregular rhombus on the edge of the plateau with sheer walls built along the North and the East.

The ancient capital Kalyani (Basavakalyan) of the Western Chalukya Empire is situated about 40 miles (64 km) to the west of Bidar.


January 04, 2021

 Tapola is a popular tourist spot for day-time visitors from Mahableshwar.

The small hamlet is situated on the North Western shore of the Shivajisgar Lake (Koyna Backwaters) and is at the confluence of the Koyna and Solashi rivers.

Shivneri Fort Junnar | शिवनेरी किल्ला | शिवरायांचे जन्मस्थान

January 04, 2021

 Shivneri Fort is a 17th-century military fortification located near Junnar in Pune district in Maharashtra, India. It is the birthplace of Shivaji, the founder of Maratha Empire.

Shivneri is known to be a place of Buddhist dominion from the 1st century AD. Its caves, rock-cut architecture and water system indicate the presence of habitation since 1st century AD. Shivneri got its name as it was under the possession of the Yadavas of Devagiri. This fort was mainly used to guard the old trading route from Desh to the port city of Kalyan. The place passed on to the Bahmani Sultanate after the weakening of Delhi Sultanate during the 15th century and it then passed on to the Ahmadnagar Sultanate in the 16th century. In 1595, a Maratha chief named Maloji Bhonsle, the grandfather of Shivaji Bhosale, was enabled by the Ahmadnagar Sultan, Bahadur Nizam Shah and he gave him Shivneri and Chakan. Shivaji was born at the fort on 19 February 1630 (some accounts place it 1627), and spent his childhood there. Inside the fort is a small temple dedicated to the goddess Shivai Devi, after whom Shivaji was named. The English traveller Fraze visited the fort in 1673 and found it invincible. According to his accounts the fort was well-stocked to feed thousand families for seven years. The fort came under the control of the British Rule in 1820 after the Third Anglo-Maratha War.

Shivneri Fort is a 17th-century military fortification located near Junnar in Pune district in Maharashtra, India. It is the birthplace of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of Maratha Empire.

How To Reach:

The nearest town Junnar is a taluka place and is well connected by road. Junnar is about 90 km from Pune. The fort is at about 2-3 km from the junnar town. It is easy to reach the fort top via main entrance, however the trekkers with proper climbing equipment can try the chain route which is located on the western scarp of the fort. From the top of the fort, Narayangad, Hadsar, Chavand and Nimgiri forts can easily be seen.

Purandar Fort, Pune - पुरंदर किल्ला

January 04, 2021

 Purandar Fort is known as the birthplace of Chatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the son of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The fort is repeatedly mentioned in the rising of Shivaji against the Adil Shahi Bijapur Sultanate and the Mughals. The fort of Purandhar stands at 4,472 ft (1,387 m) above the sea level in the Western Ghats, 50 km to the southeast of Pune.

The twin forts of Purandar and Vajragad (or Rudramal) of which the latter is the smaller of the two, is located on the eastern side of the main fort. The village of Purandar takes its name from this fort.

The oldest known reference to the Purandar dates back to the Yadava Dynasty in the 11th century.

After the defeat of the Yadavas by the Persian invaders, the territory surrounding the fort fell into the hands of the Persians who further fortified the Purandar Fort in 1350 A.D. During the early rule of the Bijapur and Ahmednagar kings, The Purandar Fort was among the forts directly under the Government rule and was never entrusted to Jagirdars (estate holders).

Under the rule of the Berar Sultanate, The fort was besieged several times. To prevent the Purandar Fort from ever falling again, A sacrificial ritual was performed where a man and a woman were buried alive under one of the fort bastions to appease its patron deity.[4] Another ritual was soon performed where the king ordered a minister to bury a first born son and his mother into the foundation of the bastion which was promptly done with a further offering of gold and bricks. When the bastion was finished, The minister, Yesaji Naik, was given possession of the Purandar Fort and the father of the sacrificed boy was rewarded with two villages.

सिंहगड किल्ला !! Sinhagad fort information | Battle of Sinhagad Tanhaji । तान्हाजी

January 04, 2021

 Sinhagad is a hill fortress located at around 35 km southwest of the city of Pune, India. Some of the information available at this fort suggests that the fort could have been built 2000 years ago. The caves and the carvings in the Kaundinyeshwar temple stand as proofs for the same.

Previously known as Kondhana, the fort had been the site of many battles, most notably the Battle of Sinhagad in 1670. Perched on an isolated cliff of the Bhuleswar range in the Sahyadri Mountains, the fort is situated on a hill about 760 metres above ground and 1,312 metres above mean sea level.

The Sinhagad (Lion's Fort) was strategically built to provide natural protection due to its very steep slopes. The walls and bastions were constructed only at key places. There are two gates to enter the fort, the Kalyan Darwaza and Pune Darwaza which are positioned at the south east and north-east ends respectively. The fort was also strategically located at the centre of a string of other Maratha Empire forts such as Rajgad Fort, Purandar Fort and Torna Fort.

The Sinhgad Fort was initially known as "Kondhana" after the sage Kaundinya. The Kaundinyeshwar temple coupled with the caves and carvings indicates that the fort had probably been built around two thousand years ago. It was seized by Muhammad bin Tughlaq from the Koli king Nag Naik in 1328 AD.

Shahaji Bhosale, as the commander of Ibrahim Adil Shah II, was entrusted with the control of the Pune region. His son Shivaji, refused to accept the Adilshahi and initiated the task of setting up Swarajya. Shivaji gained control of Kondana in 1647 by convincing Siddi Amber, the Adilshahi Sardar who controlled the fort, that he, the son of Shahaji Bhosale, could manage the fort's defences optimally. Bapuji Mudgal Deshpande played a key role in this activity. Adil Shah jailed Siddi Amber for this treasonous act and schemed to get it back. He imprisoned Shahaji Bhosale for a concocted crime and informed Shivaji. In 1649, Adil Shah traded the fort for Shahaji's release. Shivaji recaptured it in 1656 again with the help of Bapuji Mudgal Deshpande who convinced the Fort commander by giving land in the newly created Khed Shivapur village and peacefully gained control of the fort.

Korigad Fort | Lonavala

January 04, 2021

 Korigad (also called Koraigad, Koarigad or Kumwarigad) is a hill fort located about 20 km (12 mi) south of Lonavla in Pune district, Maharashtra, India. Its date of construction is not known but likely predates 1500. It is about 923 m above sea level.[1] The planned township of Aamby Valley is built over the fort's southern and eastern foothills. The closest village is Peth Shahpur, about 1 km (0.62 mi) north of the fort.

This fort was incorporated into his kingdom by the Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji along with the forts of Lohagad, Visapur, Tung and Tikona in 1657. On 11 March 1818, Colonel Prother tried to take over this fort but even after a prolonged siege could not make any headway. Finally on 14 March, by igniting the stored ammunition by means of a loose cannonball he succeeded and this fort went to the British.

To reach Korigad you should have your own vehicle as there are very few transportation options available from Lonavla. Take the Aamby Valley road from Lonavla, keep driving till Peth Shahpur village. Parking is provided near the bus stop on the road. A 5-foot wide earthen road leads to the foot steps of the Korigad fort. It is an easy climb up to the fort. You can also hire cabs from Lonavala. The Aamby Valley buses from Lonavala bus station are also available. This fort can be visited in any time of the year. Even a night trek during summer gives nice experience. There are lot of camping sites on the fort. There are three temples on the fort which provide ample cover. The Korai Devi temple can accommodate 25 persons.

Visapur Fort l किल्ले विसापूर l Lohagad Lonavala | Best Monsoon and Jungle Trek

January 04, 2021

 Visapur Fort (also called Visapoor Fort) is a hill fort near Visapur village in Maharashtra, India. It is a part of the Lohagad-Visapur fortification.

It is located in Pune district, 5 to 6 km from Malavli Railway station out of which 3 km is steep road. It has an elevation of 1084 meters above sea level.[1] It is built on the same plateau as Lohagad.

It was built during 1713-1720 CE by Balaji Vishwanath, the first Peshwa of Maratha Empire. 

Visapur fort was built much later than Lohagad but the histories of the two forts are closely linked.

In 1818, when reducing the Peshwa's forts, the strength of Lohagad and its fame as the treasury of the Maratha kingdom, caused the English to make special preparations for its attack. A detachment of 380 European and 800 native soldiers, with a battering train, summoned from Konkan, were joined by artillery from Chakan, and two other British battalions. On 4 March 1818, Visapur was attacked and occupied.

Making use of its higher elevation and proximity to Lohagad, the British troops set up their cannons on Visapur and bombarded Lohagad, forcing the Marathas to flee. Thus, in 1818, Lohagad-Visapur was taken over by the British in 1818 AD and placed under the command of a Colonel Prother. Considering, the strategic importance of Visapur, both the north (Konkan) and the south (Deccan) gateways were blown up, and except a few huts, nothing was left standing. In contrast, most of Lohagad fort is still intact.

Bhairavgad Trek | Overhang Climb | Gopro | Moroshi, Malshej Ghat, Maharashtra, India

January 04, 2021

Bhairavgad fort is located in the Sahyadri mountains of the Indian state of Maharashtra. Multiple mountains are named Bhairavgad including one near the Karad-Chiplun area, one near Malshej Ghat and third in the Bhandardara region in the neighborhood of Ghanchakkar the third highest peak of Sahyadris.

Bhairavgad is located near Moroshi village of Malshej Ghat region in Maharashtra, India. Bhairavgad is Dike structure which is rarely seen in Maharashtra. Bhairavgad is one of the most challenging trek in Maharashtra. Bhairavgad offers great view of Naneghat and Mountains in Malshej ghat region.

Moroshi village is the base village of Bhairavgad which is about 70km from nearest railway station Kalyan.

Mangi Tungi | A One Day Maharashtra Trek

January 04, 2021

 Mangi-Tungi is a prominent twin-pinnacled peak with plateau in between, located near Tahrabad about 125 km from Nashik, Maharashtra, India. Mangi, 4,343 ft (1,324 m) high above sea level, is the western pinnacle and Tungi, 4,366 ft (1,331 m) high, the eastern.[1] Mangi-Tungi is only 100 km away from Dhule, a well known city and district place in North Maharashtra (Khandesh).

There are numerous temples and is considered sacred in Jainism. It enshrines images of Tirthankaras in several postures including Padmasana and kayotsarga. Sometimes, it is described as Siddha Kshetra, meaning a gateway to the state of enlightenment.

108 feet Rishabdev Bhagwan at Mangi Tungi

Around 3,500 (7,000 Up & Down) steps lead to the foot of the peak, which is enriched with several monuments of historical and religious prominence. Besides, there are numerous caves named after great Tirthankaras such as Mahavira, Rishabhanatha, Shantinatha and Parshvanatha. A grand fair is held here annually during Kartik (September–October) where people visit in large numbers to witness festival.

There are many inscriptions on idols, most of them are not clear due to deterioration with time. Many idol installed in 595 CE(V.S. 651) are here. Many inscriptions on rocks of the Adinatha and Shantinatha caves here are in Sanskrit Language.

In February 2016, The Statue of Ahimsa, a 108 ft idol carved in monolithic stone was consecrated here. It is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest Jain idol in the world.

Mangi-Tungi is a prominent twin-pinnacled peak with plateau in between, located near Tahrabad about 125 km from Nasik, Maharashtra, India. Mangi, 4,343 ft (1,324 m) high above sea level, is the western pinnacle and Tungi, 4,366 ft (1,331 m) high, the eastern.[1] Mangi-Tungi is only 100 km away from Dhule, a well known city and district place in North Maharashtra (Khandesh).

Kalavantin Durg Trek | How to go to Kalavantin Durg | Most dangerous trek

January 04, 2021

 Kalavantin Durg is a 2,250 ft (686 m) high summit located in the Western Ghats, near the Prabalgad fort in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India. It is also known as Kelve Teen, Kalavantinicha Sulka, or Kalavantin Pinnacle; alternative transliterations include Kalawantin, Kalavati, and Kalavanti. It is a popular trekking destination.

There is a series of steps leading to the top of the pinnacle, but little is known about the history of structure. According to local guides, it was built for a queen called Kalavantin in the 15th century, around the same time as the neighbouring Prabalgad.[1]

In Marathi language the word "Durg" means fort. Although it is called as "Kalavantin Durg", there is no fort. Kalavantin is a pinnacle which was used by the ruler to have watch on surrounding area.

The trek to the top of the Kalavantin Durg is considered one of the most challenging ones in the Western Ghats. The summit is accessible via a 3 km hike from the Thakurwadi village in Karjat taluka. After Prabalmachi village (2 km from Thakurvadi), the hike route diverges into two paths: the shorter one towards Kalavantin Durg, and the longer one towards Prabalgad fort.[2] The route to the Kalavantin top is a roughly 60-degree incline, and involves climbing rock-cut steps that are as high as 2 feet.

Kalavantin Durg is a perfect one day trek (I Will does not recommend it for beginner trekkers). one can easily reach Kalavantin Durg from Panvel railway station. Kalavantin Durg and Prabalgad and close by so one can complete both the forts in one day. The base village of  Kalavantin Durg and Prabalgad is Thakurvadi Village. From Panvel, ST bus, private auto, TumTum, and taxies are available. ST bus has a very poor frequency so I suggest hiring an auto or taxi (Depends on how big is your group or you can find some trekkers on the way who are going to the same location and then you can hire an Auto/taxi. it will cost you Rs 100-150 by an auto/taxi. 

from the base village (Thakurvadi) one has to walk from 3-4 Hrs to reach Kalavantin Durg. at the Start, you will have to pay Rs. 50 per person as an Entry frees. Here they will check your bag and Cigarettes, lighter/ matchbox, Alcoholic drinks, Sharp weapons are strictly prohibited. 

If you have any other doubts, please ask me in the comment box. Thank you. 

Harihar Fort | हरिहर किल्ला | Harihar fort trek

January 04, 2021

 Harihar fort / Harshagad is a fort located 40km from Nashik City, 48 km from Igatpuri, 40 km from Ghoti in Nashik district, of Maharashtra. It is an important fort in Nashik district, and was constructed to look upon the trade route through Gonda Ghat. It receives many visitors because of its peculiar rock-cut steps.

Harihar fort was built during the Pankaj Panchariya period. It was surrendered to Khan Zamam in 1636 along with Trymbak and other Pune forts. The fort was captured by Captain. Briggs in 1818 along with 17 other forts.

There are two base villages of the fort, Harshewadi and Nirgudpada. The Harshewadi is 13 km from Trymbakeshwar. The other base village of the fort is Nirgudpada/Kotamvadi which is 40 km from Ghoti which itself is 48 km from Nashik and 121 km from Mumbai. One can travel from Ghoti to Trimbakeshwar by bus or by private vehicle. One should take care of returning from the fort the last bus from Trimbakeshwar is 5:30pm to Ghoti and enough trains are available from Nashik to Mumbai till late night. The climb from Harshewadi is more easier than from the Nirgudpada. A wide, safe trekking path starts from the hil lock north of the Nirgudpada. It passes through scrub forest till it reaches an open ridge which is connected to the fort. It takes about an hour to reach the scarp of the hill on which the fort is situated. The ascent through the 60 m rock-cut steps is wonderful. It is like a stone ladder placed at 60 degree along the scarp. The steps are worn out at many places yet the holes on either side of the steps are conveniently cut for holding onto. After reaching the main entrance, the paths takes a left traverse and again a helical rock cut steps are to be climbed, which are more steep than the earlier. The steps finally end with a narrow entrance. At many places the steps are very narrow that, only a single person can climb at a time. Accommodation is possible on the harihar fort as well as in the local villages.

नाशिक जिल्ह्यातील _  हरिहर किल्ला त्र्यंबक रांगेतील प्रमुख किल्ला आहे. प्राचिन काळापासून महाराष्ट्रातील बंदरात उतरणारा माल अनेक घाट मार्गांनी नाशिकच्या बाजारपेठेत जात असे. यातील त्र्यंबक रांगेतून जाणार्‍या गोंडा घाटावर लक्ष ठेवण्यासाठी हरीहर भास्करगड यांची उभारणी करण्यात आली होती.

नाशिकच्या पश्चिमेस आणि इगतपूरीच्या उत्तरेस त्र्यंबक रांग पसरलेली आहे  हरिहर आणि त्रिंबकगड हे किल्ले येतात.. वैतरणा ही या परिसरातील प्रमुख नदी आहे. पायथ्याच्या गावातून हरिहर आयताकृती भासतो.

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